Champlain College - Student Life Poster Series
Here is a poster series I designed and illustrated for Champlain College when I worked for their student activities program. The goal of this poster was to help introduce new students to all of the fun ways they can express themselves at Champlain College while connecting with others who have similar interests.

Here is a poster series I designed and illustrated for Champlain College when I worked for their student activities program. The goal of this poster was to help introduce new students to all of the fun ways they can express themselves at Champlain College while connecting with others who have similar insterests. This poster highlights all of the major student activity groups at Champlain College such as clubs and teams, as well as other fun ways to have fun outside of regimented programs. This poster was on display during orientation to help new students make the most of their time at Champlain College. This poster sports a very illustrative look, making it appear friendly and fun, fust like Champlain College.
Character Design

[Chauncey the Beaver]

[Real Beaver]

[Champ, the Lake Champlain Monster]

[Sohpomore Symposium]

[Champlain College School Bus]

[Bankus Hall]

[Rowell Hall]

[Cushing Hall]

[Perry Hall]

[Durik Hall]

[Skiff Hall]

Final Outcomes

This poster also serves as a rough, point of reference map for new students who are still getting used to the campus and the relative locations of various buildings. Certain buildings are even marked for their purposes such as Perry Hall, which is the home of all Champlain College financial offices. Therefore- if a students has questions about his/her financial aid or work-study- he/she can find out where to go to resolve his/her issues.

The final design includes additional typography that highlights all of the important on campus events and activities that the design was made to promote. All four posters are arranged together to create a seamless campus map of the central campus area around S Willard St. Even the lake is properly located, west of campus and down the hill.