Musicious was my senior capstone project in design school. One day I dream of turning it into a real organization to help change the world.
Musicious is an organization that aims to help make musical education more readily available for underpriveleged children, adults, and families. Our goal is help those who ordinarily would be be unable to afford musical lessons or even instruments gain access to both of these things and more. In order to be involved with music, considerable financial stability is required consiering the expensive costs of musical instruments and the cost of music lessons, which often average at about a dollar per minute. These costs can quickly add up, making musical eduaction unaccessible to many people who simply cannot afford it. Learning to play music is not only a great form of self expression, but also can have tremendous benefits in many different areas of one’s life. These benefits should be readily available to anyone who has the drive to pick up an instrument.
Web Outputs
Musicous was a student project of mine when I was in school- but now I am looking into making it a real organization. I have a lot of steps to go through- but it starts with getting others involved and in the know. Help me make a difference by sharing this project and getting the word out there. The Musicious website will be up soon with details about how we will get started! Stay tuned for more details and follow my blog for future updates!
Please check out my portfolio to view the rest of my work and thank you for viewing!